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The Year of Our Lord 1909

Bishop Events

April to June

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
3 AprBornGiacomo TestaPresident of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy
6 Apr27.4Ordained PriestJosef FreusbergPriest of Paderborn, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop of Fulda, Germany
86.0DiedJoseph Paccolat, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
9 AprBornDomenico EnriciOfficial Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
10 Apr24.8Ordained PriestPierre-Marie DurieuxPriest of Le Puy-en-Velay, FranceArchbishop of Chambéry, France
26.9Ordained PriestEdward Aloysius MooneyPriest of Cleveland, Ohio, USACardinal, Archbishop of Detroit, Michigan, USA
22.6Ordained PriestJuan María Navarrete y GuerreroPriest of Aguascalientes, MéxicoArchbishop Emeritus of Hermosillo, Sonora, México
11 Apr107.1BeatifiedSt. Etienne-Théodore Cuénot, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Cochin {Cocincina Orientale}, Viet Nam
44.8Ordained BishopFrederick Franz Linneborn, C.S.C. †Bishop of Dacca, Bangladesh
12 Apr47.0ConfirmedAugustinus BludauBishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
37.7Ordained BishopAuguste-Léopold Huys, M. Afr. †Titular Bishop of RusicadeCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Upper Congo {Congo Superiore}, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
13 AprBornCarlo ColomboAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Milano {Milan}, Italy
14 AprBornRobert-Jacques-Victor FrossardAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Paris, France
49.7ConfirmedRudolf HittmairBishop of Linz, Austria
40.1AppointedLazër Mjeda (Miedia)Archbishop of Skopje, North MacedoniaArchbishop of Shkodrë, Albania
BornDaniel Willem Stuyvenberg, S.M. †Archbishop Emeritus of Honiara, Solomon Islands
16 AprBornAlexander CarterBishop Emeritus of Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada
BornClement Thottungal, C.M.I. †Bishop Emeritus of Sagar (Syro-Malabar), India
17 Apr84.0DiedThomas William WilkinsonBishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain
21 Apr61.4SelectedJoseph-Emile Abbet, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
29 Apr74.1AppointedGregorio María Aguirre y García, O.F.M. Disc. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
74.1AppointedGregorio María Aguirre y García, O.F.M. Disc. †Patriarch of West Indies, SpainCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
55.7AppointedJoão de Almeida Ferrão (Terra)Bishop of Campanha, Minas Gerais, Brazil
43.5AppointedJoseph Gaudentius AndersonAuxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
43.5AppointedJoseph Gaudentius AndersonTitular Bishop of MyrinaAuxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
36.5AppointedAlessio Ascalesi, C.Pp.S. †Bishop of Muro Lucano, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy
39.8AppointedEpaminondas Nunes de Ávila e SilvaBishop of Taubaté, Sao Paulo, Brazil
80.3AppointedAngelo BalzanoTitular Bishop of SuraBishop Emeritus of Termoli, Italy
80.3ResignedAngelo BalzanoBishop of Termoli, ItalyBishop Emeritus
47.1AppointedSalvatore BellaBishop of Foggia, ItalyBishop of Acireale, Italy
46.4AppointedAmerico BevilacquaBishop of Alatri, ItalyBishop Emeritus
AppointedGiovanni CapitoliBishop of Termoli, ItalyBishop of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy
45.3AppointedAntônio Augusto de AssisBishop of Pouso Alegre, BrazilBishop of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo, Brazil
42.4AppointedAlfredo del TombaBishop of Montalcino, ItalyBishop Emeritus
65.1AppointedJoseph Antoine FabreBishop of Marseille, France
56.2AppointedGiovanni FossàBishop of Fiesole, Italy
61.5AppointedGiacinto GaggiaAuxiliary Bishop of Brescia, ItalyBishop
61.5AppointedGiacinto GaggiaTitular Bishop of HadrumetumBishop of Brescia, Italy
54.0AppointedFrancesco GiacciTitular Bishop of PhilomeliumBishop Emeritus of Marsi, Italy
54.0ResignedFrancesco GiacciBishop of Marsi, ItalyBishop Emeritus
47.0AppointedJuan Bautista Gorordo y PerfectoAuxiliary Bishop of Cebu, PhilippinesBishop Emeritus
47.0AppointedJuan Bautista Gorordo y PerfectoTitular Bishop of NilopolisBishop Emeritus of Cebu, Philippines
53.0AppointedRamón Guillamet y ComaBishop of León, SpainBishop of Barcelona, Spain
43.0ConfirmedJuan José Laguarda y FenolleraBishop of Barcelona, Spain
50.5AppointedDomenico LancellottiTitular Bishop of DelcusBishop of Conversano, Italy
35.0ConfirmedJoão Evangelista de Lima VidalBishop of Angola e CongoBishop of Aveiro, Portugal
56.0AppointedGiovanni Battista Marenco, S.D.B. †Bishop of Massa Carrara, ItalyApostolic Internuncio to Central America
45.0AppointedEmanuele MignoneBishop of Volterra, ItalyBishop of Arezzo, Italy
70.2AppointedEmilio Maria MiniatiTitular Archbishop of StauropolisBishop Emeritus of Massa Carrara, Italy
70.2ResignedEmilio Maria MiniatiBishop of Massa Carrara, ItalyBishop Emeritus
76.6AppointedCarlo Mola, C.O. †Titular Bishop of SasimaBishop Emeritus of Foggia, Italy
76.6ResignedCarlo Mola, C.O. †Bishop of Foggia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
50.5AppointedPietro Paolo Camillo Moreschini, C.P. †Archbishop of Camerino, Italy
50.5AppointedPietro Paolo Camillo Moreschini, C.P. †Apostolic Administrator of Treia, ItalyArchbishop of Camerino, Italy
BornJean-Julien-Robert MouissetBishop Emeritus of Nice, France
46.3AppointedAntónio MoutinhoBishop of Portalegre, Portugal
63.1AppointedBenito Murúa y LópezArchbishop of Burgos, Spain
41.8AppointedJosé Othón Núñez y ZárateBishop of Zamora, Michoacán, MéxicoArchbishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
51.3AppointedThomas O’DeaBishop of Galway and Kilmacduagh, Ireland
66.9AppointedFrédéric-Henri OuryTitular Archbishop of Ptolemais in ThebaideArchbishop Emeritus of Alger, Algeria
47.2AppointedAntonio PadovaniAuxiliary Bishop of Cremona, Italy
47.2AppointedAntonio PadovaniTitular Bishop of CanopusAuxiliary Bishop of Cremona, Italy
44.7AppointedAdolfo Pérez y MuñozBishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, SpainBishop of Córdoba, Spain
47.5AppointedBernardo PizzornoAuxiliary Bishop of Sassari, ItalyBishop of Luni, Sarzana e Brugnato, Italy
47.5AppointedBernardo PizzornoTitular Bishop of Comana ArmeniaeBishop of Luni, Sarzana e Brugnato, Italy
49.2AppointedCiro Pontecorvi, C.Pp.S. †Archbishop of Urbino, Italy
59.6AppointedAndrea SartiBishop of Pistoia e Prato, Italy
61.0AppointedJuan Manuel Sanz y SaraviaBishop of Jaén, Spain
47.3AppointedAngelo Giacinto Scapardini, O.P. †Bishop of Nusco, ItalyBishop of Vigevano, Italy
62.4AppointedBenedetto Spila, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of ArethusaBishop Emeritus of Alatri, Italy
62.4ResignedBenedetto Spila, O.F.M. †Bishop of Alatri, ItalyBishop Emeritus
1 May78.2CeasedFelix Mariam BoffApostolic Administrator of Cleveland, Ohio, USAPriest
43.9Ordained BishopJules-Joseph Cénez, O.M.I. †Titular Bishop of Nicopolis in ArmeniaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Basutoland, Lesotho
BornJoseph Francis DonnellyAuxiliary Bishop of Hartford, Connecticut, USA
70.8DiedJuan Antonio Falcón IturrizagaBishop of Cuzco, Peru
53.1Ordained BishopJohn Patrick FarrellyBishop of Cleveland, Ohio, USA
65.6DiedAristide GolfieriBishop of Città di Castello, Italy
49.7Ordained BishopRudolf HittmairBishop of Linz, Austria
49.4Ordained BishopHyacinthe-Joseph Jalabert, C.S.Sp. †Titular Bishop of ThelepteVicar Apostolic of Senegambia, Senegal
2 MayBornCletus Joseph BenjaminAuxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
46.4Ordained BishopAmerico BevilacquaBishop of Alatri, ItalyBishop Emeritus
54.8Ordained BishopLeonard BrindisiArchbishop of Naxos, GreeceArchbishop of Corfù, Zante e Cefalonia, Greece
3 May61.5Ordained BishopGiacinto GaggiaTitular Bishop of HadrumetumBishop of Brescia, Italy
50.5Ordained BishopDomenico LancellottiTitular Bishop of DelcusBishop of Conversano, Italy
50.5Ordained BishopPietro Paolo Camillo Moreschini, C.P. †Archbishop of Camerino, Italy
4 May77.0DiedFranz Joseph von SteinArchbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
6 MayBornLino ZaniniOfficial Emeritus of the Fabric of St. Peter
8 MayBornJohannes Baptist Lück, S.C.I. †Bishop Emeritus of Aliwal, South Africa
11 May49.7AppointedIsrael AudoBishop of Mardin (Chaldean), Turkey
57.6AppointedCélestin-Henri Joussard, O.M.I. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Athabaska, Alberta, CanadaCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Grouard, Alberta, Canada
57.6AppointedCélestin-Henri Joussard, O.M.I. †Titular Bishop of Arcadiopolis in AsiaCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Grouard, Alberta, Canada
46.3AppointedÉlie-Jean-Joseph Morel, M.E.P. †Archbishop of Pondicherry, IndiaArchbishop Emeritus
51.1AppointedPietro Andrea (Pierre-André) Viganò, S.J. †Titular Bishop of AezaniBishop Emeritus of Hyderabad, India
42.1AppointedDionisio Vismara, P.I.M.E. †Bishop of Hyderabad, IndiaBishop Emeritus
12 May66.4DiedDomenico Raffaele Francesco Marengo, O.P. †Archbishop of Izmir (Smirne), Turkey
BornLuciano Rubio, O.S.A. †Prior General Emeritus of Order of St. Augustine
14 May71.1DiedGiuseppe Maria AldanesiBishop Emeritus of Cagli e Pergola, Italy
BornPierre Marie Phạm Ngọc ChiBishop of Ðà Nẵng, Viet Nam
16 MayOrdained BishopGiovanni CapitoliBishop of Termoli, ItalyBishop of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy
48.8Ordained BishopJohn Pius Dowling, O.P. †Archbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles
56.4Ordained BishopJohn GrimesTitular Bishop of Hemeria (Himeria)Bishop of Syracuse, New York, USA
56.0Ordained BishopGiovanni Battista Marenco, S.D.B. †Bishop of Massa Carrara, ItalyApostolic Internuncio to Central America
49.2Ordained BishopCiro Pontecorvi, C.Pp.S. †Archbishop of Urbino, Italy
17 May67.4DiedPaolo FioravantiBishop of Veroli, Italy
19 MayBornJohn Selby SpenceAuxiliary Bishop of Washington, District of Columbia, USA
20 May21.6Simple VowsJoseph Odon Alardo, O.S.B. †Member of Order of Saint BenedictAbbot Emeritus of Saint-Maurice et Saint-Maur de Clervaux {Santi Maurizio e Mauro di Clervaux}, Luxembourg
64.6DiedPaolo Maria BaroneArchbishop of Siena, Italy
26.6Ordained PriestAurelio Macedonio GuerreroPriest of Trujillo, PeruArchbishop Emeritus of Trujillo, Peru
21 May60.8DiedApolinary WnukowskiArchbishop of Mohilev, Belarus
23 May58.6SelectedFranz von BettingerCardinal, Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
77.5DiedSante MeiBishop Emeritus of Modigliana, ItalyBishop
25 MayBornSanto BergamoBishop of Oppido Mamertina-Palmi, Italy
BornFrancis EkkaBishop of Raigarh, India
BornJoseph Brendan Whelan, C.S.Sp. †Bishop Emeritus of Owerri, Nigeria
27 MayBornGuido Maria CasulloBishop Emeritus of Cândido Mendes, Brazil
30 May76.0DiedFrancisco García y LópezAuxiliary Bishop of Valencia, Spain
47.3Ordained BishopAntonio PadovaniTitular Bishop of CanopusAuxiliary Bishop of Cremona, Italy
24.9Ordained PriestTheodos (Peter) Schall, O.S.B. †Priest of Order of Saint BenedictApostolic Administrator Emeritus of Eshowe, South Africa
31 May23.0Ordained PriestAbel Isidoro Antezana y Rojas, C.M.F. †Priest of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of MaryArchbishop Emeritus of La Paz, Bolivia
BornWalter Gunther KampeAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Limburg, Germany
1 Jun40.8AppointedPatrick MacKennaBishop of Clogher, Ireland
3 JunBornJosé Armando Gutiérrez GranierArchbishop Emeritus of Cochabamba, Bolivia
4 Jun59.4DiedJeremiah Joseph DoyleBishop of Lismore, Australia
5 Jun27.0Ordained PriestTeofilo Emilio de Backere, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionPrefect Emeritus of Surabaia, Indonesia
67.5DiedJoseph-Thomas DuhamelArchbishop of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
24.0Ordained PriestRichard Oliver GerowPriestBishop Emeritus of Natchez-Jackson, Mississippi, USA
28.2Ordained PriestJoseph Hu Ruoshan (Hu Joo-shan, Hu Jo-shan), C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionBishop of Linhai [Taichow], China
25.7Ordained PriestLouis LiagrePriest of Lille, FranceBishop of La Rochelle (-Saintes), France
24.4Ordained PriestDenis P. O’ConnorPriestBishop of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
22.4Ordained PriestJames Hugh RyanPriest of Indianapolis, Indiana, USAArchbishop of Omaha, Nebraska, USA
52.0AppointedProspero ScacciaArchbishop of Siena, Italy
25.0Ordained PriestSalvatore van Nuffel, O.S.B. †Priest of Order of Saint BenedictPrefect of Northern Transvaal {Transvaal Settentrionale}, South Africa
6 Jun47.6Ordained BishopBernardo PizzornoTitular Bishop of Comana ArmeniaeBishop of Luni, Sarzana e Brugnato, Italy
47.4Ordained BishopAngelo Giacinto Scapardini, O.P. †Bishop of Nusco, ItalyBishop of Vigevano, Italy
26.3Ordained PriestHeinrich WienkenPriest of Münster, GermanyBishop Emeritus of Meißen (Meissen), Germany
9 JunBornEmile Durrheimer, S.M.A. †Bishop Emeritus of Katiola, Côte d’Ivoire
11 Jun24.6Ordained PriestThomas Anthony WelchPriest of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USABishop of Duluth, Minnesota, USA
12 Jun55.9AppointedLuigi SpandreBishop of Asti, Italy
13 JunBornAntonio Añoveros AtaúnBishop Emeritus of Bilbao, Spain
47.2Ordained BishopSalvatore BellaBishop of Foggia, ItalyBishop of Acireale, Italy
BornAntonio Floro FrondosaArchbishop Emeritus of Capiz, Philippines
24.9Ordained PriestThomas KeoghPriest of Kildare and Leighlin, IrelandBishop Emeritus
23.9Ordained PriestDenis J. MoynihanPriest of Kerry (o Ardfert) e Aghadoe, IrelandBishop Emeritus of Kerry, Ireland
56.2DiedJacques-Jean SahharBishop of Amadiyah and Aqrā {Akra} (Chaldean), Iraq
16 JunBornAurelian (Josef) Bilgeri, O.S.B. †Bishop of Eshowe, South Africa
23.6Ordained PriestBerthold Bühl, O.F.M. †Priest of Order of Friars MinorBishop Emeritus of Oruro, Bolivia
65.2Ordained BishopJoseph Antoine FabreBishop of Marseille, France
17 JunBornVictor Frederick Foley, S.M. †Archbishop Emeritus of Suva, Fiji, Pacific (Oceania)
20 Jun47.2Ordained BishopAugustinus BludauBishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
42.6Ordained BishopAlfredo del TombaBishop of Montalcino, ItalyBishop Emeritus
26.5Ordained PriestEdward John Galvin, S.S.C.M.E. †Priest of Cork, IrelandBishop of Hanyang [Hanyang], China
BornIsaac GhattasBishop of Minya {Ermopoli Maggiore; Minieh} (Coptic), Egypt
21 Jun52.2AppointedRichard CollinsBishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain
76.2AppointedFrancis McCormackTitular Archbishop of NisibisBishop Emeritus of Galway and Kilmacduagh, Ireland
54.1AppointedAntoine Alphonse de WachterAuxiliary Bishop of Mechelen, Belgium
54.1AppointedAntoine Alphonse de WachterTitular Bishop of DionysiasAuxiliary Bishop of Mechelen, Belgium
23 Jun45.5AppointedLorenzo ChieppaBishop of Lucera, Italy
45.2AppointedGiuseppe Maria LeoBishop of Nicotera e Tropea, ItalyArchbishop of Trani e Barletta (e Nazareth e Bisceglie), Italy
24 Jun47.1Ordained BishopJuan Bautista Gorordo y PerfectoTitular Bishop of NilopolisBishop Emeritus of Cebu, Philippines
55.7DiedPietro MontiBishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
25 JunBornFrancis Valentine AllenAuxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
44.1AppointedManuel San Román y ElenaApostolic Administrator of Calahorra y La Calzada, SpainApostolic Administrator
26 Jun58.7ConfirmedFranz von BettingerCardinal, Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
27 Jun55.9Ordained BishopAnge-Auguste Faisandier, S.J. †Titular Bishop of DodonaBishop Emeritus of Trichinopoly, India
41.7AppointedGiovanni FiorentiniBishop of Tricarico, ItalyArchbishop of Catanzaro, Italy
56.4Ordained BishopGiovanni FossàBishop of Fiesole, Italy
22.7Ordained PriestGiuseppe Perrachon, I.M.C. †Priest of Consolata MissionariesVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Nyeri, Kenya
28 Jun64.6DiedJoseph Bernard CotterBishop of Winona, Minnesota, USA
29 Jun22.6Ordained PriestPaul ChevrierPriestBishop Emeritus of Cahors, France
23.5Ordained PriestPaolo GaleazziPriest of Narni, ItalyBishop of Grosseto, Italy
25.6Ordained PriestCharles Hubert Le BlondPriest of Cleveland, Ohio, USABishop Emeritus of Saint Joseph, Missouri, USA
35.2Ordained BishopJoão Evangelista de Lima VidalBishop of Angola e CongoBishop of Aveiro, Portugal
45.2Ordained BishopEmanuele MignoneBishop of Volterra, ItalyBishop of Arezzo, Italy
25.6Ordained PriestMichael RacklPriest of Eichstätt, GermanyBishop
24.5Ordained PriestPál Endre Sárközy, O.S.B. †Priest of Order of Saint BenedictAbbot of Pannonhalma, Hungary
42.2Ordained BishopDionisio Vismara, P.I.M.E. †Bishop of Hyderabad, IndiaBishop Emeritus
BornAugustin Zhao JingnongBishop of Tianshui [Tsinchow], China
30 Jun45.4AppointedEdmund Michael DunneBishop of Peoria, Illinois, USA
36.9AppointedGeorge William MundeleinAuxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, USACardinal, Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois, USA
36.9AppointedGeorge William MundeleinTitular Bishop of LorymaCardinal, Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois, USA
47.3AppointedSaturnino PeriBishop of Crotone (Cotrone), ItalyBishop Emeritus of Iglesias, Italy
49.8AppointedSalvatore ScanuBishop of San Marco e Bisignano, Italy
45.6AppointedAdolfo TurchiBishop of Caiazzo, ItalyArchbishop of L’Aquila, Italy
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