Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 Apr | | Born | Pascal Giamgian † | | Bishop of Prusa (Bostra, Brussa) (Armenian), Turkey |
| Born | Bernardo Agusto Thiel Hoffman, C.M. † | | Bishop of San José de Costa Rica |
3 Apr | 44.0 | Appointed | Etienne-Louis Charbonnaux, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Mysore, India |
36.3 | Appointed | Melchior-Marie-Joseph de Marion-Brésillac, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Coimbatore, India | Vicar Apostolic of Sierra Leone |
73.5 | Died | Carlos de São José e Souza, O.C.D. † | Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil |
4 Apr | 66.7 | Died | Juan Cayetano José María Gómez de Portugal y Solis † | Bishop of Michoacán, México |
| Born | Matthew Makil † | | Vicar Apostolic of Kottayam (Syro-Malabar), India |
6 Apr | 57.9 | Selected | Vojtech Bartakovics † | Archbishop of Eger, Hungary |
53.6 | Selected | István Kollárcsik † | Bishop of Rožňava, Slovakia |
59.7 | Selected | Jozef Kunszt † | Bishop of Košice, Slovakia | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
| Born | Nicholas Chrysostom Matz † | | Bishop of Denver, Colorado, USA |
56.8 | Selected | Ladislav Zábojský † | Bishop of Spiš, Slovakia |
7 Apr | | Born | Hermann Joseph (Thomas) Esser, O.P. † | | Titular Bishop of Sinis |
61.7 | Ordained Bishop | José Elías Puyana † | Titular Bishop of Corada | Bishop of Pasto, Colombia |
| Born | Michele Zezza di Zapponeta † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
11 Apr | 55.4 | Died | Ignazio Giovanni Cadolini † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Ferrara, Italy |
78.5 | Died | Antônio da Arrábida, O.F.M. Ref. † | Titular Bishop of Anemurium |
14 Apr | 38.8 | Ordained Bishop | Pierre-Simon-Louis-Marie de Dreux-Brézé † | Bishop of Moulins, France |
| Born | Peter Joseph O’Reilly † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, USA |
17 Apr | 58.6 | Died | Pierre Giraud † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
21 Apr | 55.8 | Ordained Bishop | Paolo Giovanni Bertolozzi † | Bishop of Montalcino, Italy |
56.6 | Ordained Bishop | Gaetano Maria Cattani † | Bishop of Carpi, Italy |
68.6 | Died | Juan Francisco del Rosario Manfredo y Ballestas † | Bishop of Panamá |
23 Apr | | Born | Jorge Barlin Imperial † | | Bishop of Nueva Caceres, Philippines |
28 Apr | 61.2 | Ordained Bishop | Salvador Sanz Grado † | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
85.5 | Died | Placide-Bruno Valayer † | Bishop Emeritus of Verdun, France |
30 Apr | 38.9 | Appointed | Giuseppe Arachial † | Bishop of Trabzon (Trebisonda) (Armenian), Turkey | Bishop of Ancira (Angora) (Armenian), Turkey |
57.3 | Appointed | Timoteo Francis Astorgi (Astardjian) † | Bishop of Artvin degli Armeni (Armenian), Turkey |
54.3 | Appointed | Gregorio Bahadur † | Bishop of Prusa (Bostra, Brussa) (Armenian), Turkey |
65.3 | Appointed | Joannes Derderian † | Bishop of Ispahan {Esfáan} (Armenian), Iran | Bishop-Elect |
38.9 | Installed | Pierre-Simon-Louis-Marie de Dreux-Brézé † | Bishop of Moulins, France |
49.3 | Appointed | Joseph Gregory Hagi (Hadjian) † | Bishop of Erzerum (Garin) (Armenian) |
38.3 | Appointed | Michael Monaghan † | Bishop of Roseau, Dominica, Antilles |
60.3 | Appointed | Antonio Clemens Scisman (Chichemanian) † | Bishop of Ancira (Angora) (Armenian), Turkey |
48.1 | Appointed | Richard Patrick Smith † | Archbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles |
1 May | 43.4 | Selected | Pasquale Taccone † | Bishop of Teramo, Italy |
7 May | | Born | Paulino Díaz Rodriguez, O.E.S.A. † | | Prefect Emeritus of San León del Amazonas, Peru |
12 May | 64.8 | Ordained Bishop | Juan Nepomuceno Cascallana y Ordóñez † | Bishop of Astorga, Spain | Bishop of Málaga, Spain |
56.3 | Ordained Bishop | Anton Karner † | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary |
43.9 | Ordained Bishop | János Ranolder † | Bishop of Veszprém, Hungary |
14 May | 29.2 | Ordained Priest | John Tuigg † | Priest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | Bishop |
20 May | 45.7 | Appointed | Raffaele Bachetoni † | Bishop of Norcia, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
67.3 | Appointed | Ivan (Joannes) Bokhenskyi (Bocheński) † | Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
67.3 | Appointed | Ivan (Joannes) Bokhenskyi (Bocheński) † | Titular Bishop of Rhosus | Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
51.5 | Appointed | Raffaele Carbonelli † | Auxiliary Bishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
51.5 | Appointed | Raffaele Carbonelli † | Titular Bishop of Bethsaida | Auxiliary Bishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
42.4 | Confirmed | St. Antonio María Claret y Clará, C.M.F. † | Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba | Archbishop Emeritus |
49.1 | Confirmed | Gregorio De Luca † | Archbishop of Conza e Campagna, Italy |
48.1 | Confirmed | Angelo Fusinato † | Bishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy |
38.6 | Appointed | Matteo Eustachio Gonella † | Titular Archbishop of Neocaesarea in Ponto | Cardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy |
46.7 | Confirmed | Tomás Iglesias y Bárcones † | Bishop of Mondoñedo, Spain | Patriarch of West Indies, Spain |
65.0 | Confirmed | Miguel José Irigoyen † | Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain |
61.7 | Appointed | Ferdinando Elano Kahn, O.P. † | Bishop of Cherson, Moldova | Bishop of Tiraspol, Moldova |
38.4 | Appointed | Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler † | Bishop of Mainz, Germany |
59.8 | Confirmed | Jozef Kunszt † | Bishop of Košice, Slovakia | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
56.4 | Confirmed | Manuel Martins Manso † | Bishop of Funchal, Portugal | Bishop of Guarda, Portugal |
51.7 | Confirmed | Antonio Novasconi † | Bishop of Cremona, Italy |
37.4 | Confirmed | Francesco Saverio Petagna † | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy |
64.2 | Appointed | Gaspare Petocchi (Pettochi) † | Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy |
49.7 | Confirmed | Angelo Francesco Ramazzotti † | Bishop of Pavia, Italy | Patriarch of Venezia {Venice}, Italy |
43.1 | Confirmed | Giuseppe Rotondo (Rotundo) † | Bishop of Brindisi, Italy | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy |
57.3 | Appointed | Balthasar Schitter † | Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, Austria |
57.3 | Appointed | Balthasar Schitter † | Titular Bishop of Dulma | Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, Austria |
41.1 | Confirmed | Friedrich Johann Joseph Cölestin zu von Schwarzenberg † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
50.6 | Confirmed | Jaime José Soler y Roquer † | Bishop of Teruel, Spain |
35.2 | Confirmed | Josip Juraj Strossmayer † | Bishop of Bosna (Djakovo) et Srijem, Croatia |
58.8 | Appointed | Pedro Antonio Torres † | Bishop of Cartagena, Colombia | Bishop of Popayán, Colombia |
60.9 | Appointed | Letterio Turchi † | Bishop of Città di Castello, Italy |
50.8 | Confirmed | Pedro Cirilo Uriz y Labayru † | Bishop of Lérida, Spain | Bishop of Pamplona (-Tudela), Spain |
49.0 | Appointed | Luigi Vannicelli Casoni † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Ferrara, Italy |
21 May | 45.7 | Ordained Bishop | Raffaele Bachetoni † | Bishop of Norcia, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
64.2 | Ordained Bishop | Gaspare Petocchi (Pettochi) † | Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy |
55.8 | Selected | René-François Régnier † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
23 May | | Born | Jean Baptiste Étienne Honoré Penon † | | Bishop Emeritus of Moulins, France |
25 May | 23.3 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Maria Curcio † | Priest | Bishop of Oppido Mamertina, Italy |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Joseph Déruaz † | Priest of Lausanne et Genève, Switzerland | Bishop |
47.3 | Selected | St. Giovanni Antonio Farina † | Bishop of Treviso, Italy | Bishop of Vicenza, Italy |
22.3 | Ordained Priest | Gaspar Fernández, O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Tonking {Tonkino Orientale}, Viet Nam |
26.8 | Ordained Priest | Flavien-Abel-Antoinin Hugonin † | Priest of Paris, France | Bishop of Bayeux (-Lisieux), France |
25.6 | Ordained Deacon | Benoît-Marie Langénieux † | Deacon of Paris, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Reims, France |
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Achille Manara † | Priest of Bologna, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop of Ancona e Numana, Italy |
34.8 | Ordained Priest | João Perairo (Pereira) Botelho do Amaral y Pimentel † | Priest | Bishop of Angra, Portugal |
23.0 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Timoleone Raimondi, P.I.M.E. † | Priest of Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions | Vicar Apostolic of Hong Kong [Xianggang], China |
45.5 | Selected | Girolamo Verzeri † | Bishop of Brescia, Italy |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | Louis-Joseph-Marie-Ange Vigne † | Priest of Valence, France | Archbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France |
26 May | 47.4 | Ordained Bishop | Armand-Françios-Marie de Charbonnel, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Bishop Emeritus |
38.6 | Ordained Bishop | Matteo Eustachio Gonella † | Titular Archbishop of Neocaesarea in Ponto | Cardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy |
49.1 | Ordained Bishop | Luigi Vannicelli Casoni † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Ferrara, Italy |
27 May | 26.1 | Ordained Priest | John William Bewick † | Priest of Northern District, England, Great Britain | Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain |
29 May | | Born | Anton Bonaventura Jeglič † | | Bishop Emeritus of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
30 May | 25.2 | Ordained Priest | Laurent Blettery, M.E.P. † | Priest | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Eastern Szechwan {Se-Ciuen Orientale}, China |
31 May | 35.8 | Appointed | Joseph Sadoc Alemany y Conill, O.P. † | Bishop of Monterey, California, USA | Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, California, USA |
52.7 | Appointed | Augustin-Magloire-Alexandre Blanchet † | Bishop of Nesqually, Washington, USA | Bishop Emeritus |
54.7 | Appointed | François-Norbert Blanchet † | Apostolic Administrator of Walla Walla, Oregon, USA | Archbishop Emeritus of Oregon City, Oregon, USA |
2 Jun | 50.4 | Appointed | Giacomo Bahtiarian † | Archbishop (Personal Title) of Amida (Diarbekir) (Armenian), Turkey | Bishop Emeritus |
50.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giacomo Bahtiarian † | Bishop of Amida (Diarbekir) (Armenian), Turkey | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Hubert-Olivier Chalifoux † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada |
47.0 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Hagian † | Bishop of Cesarea di Cappadocia (Armenian), Turkey |
3 Jun | | Born | Joannes Nicolaas Lemmens † | | Bishop of Vancouver Island, USA |
4 Jun | 65.5 | Died | Josef Ondřej Lindauer † | Bishop of České Budĕjovice {Budweis}, Czechia |
25.5 | Ordained Priest | Spiridione Maddalena † | Priest of Corfù, Greece | Archbishop |
5 Jun | | Born | Francisco José Ribeiro Vieira e Brito † | | Bishop of Lamego, Portugal |
6 Jun | | Born | James Augustine McFaul † | | Bishop of Trenton, New Jersey, USA |
7 Jun | 46.3 | Selected | Georges-Claude-Louis-Pie Chalandon † | Coadjutor Bishop of Belley, France | Archbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France |
13 Jun | 38.7 | Appointed | Matteo Eustachio Gonella † | Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium | Cardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy |
14 Jun | 78.3 | Died | Pier Francesco Brunaccini, O.S.B. † | Archbishop of Monreale, Italy |
26.8 | Appointed | Alexandre Antonin Taché, O.M.I. † | Coadjutor Bishop of Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada | Archbishop of Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada |
26.8 | Appointed | Alexandre Antonin Taché, O.M.I. † | Titular Bishop of Arathia | Archbishop of Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada |
16 Jun | 51.6 | Ordained Bishop | Raffaele Carbonelli † | Titular Bishop of Bethsaida | Auxiliary Bishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
37.5 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Saverio Petagna † | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy |
| Born | Gaetano Quattrocchi † | | Bishop Emeritus of Mazara del Vallo, Italy |
43.2 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Rotondo (Rotundo) † | Bishop of Brindisi, Italy | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy |
20 Jun | 63.9 | Selected | Giovanni Battista Naselli, C.O. † | Bishop of Noto, Italy | Archbishop of Palermo, Italy |
22 Jun | 44.8 | Selected | Antoine-Charles Cousseau † | Bishop of Angoulême, France | Bishop Emeritus |
23 Jun | | Born | Johannes Baptist Rößler (Roessler) † | | Bishop of Sankt Pölten, Austria |
24 Jun | 21.9 | Ordained Priest | William Benedict Scarisbrick, O.S.B. † | Priest of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop Emeritus of Port-Louis, Mauritius |
26 Jun | | Born | Antonio Ramón Silva † | | Archbishop of Mérida, Venezuela |
28 Jun | 25.5 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Claude Duret, C.S.Sp. † | Priest of Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia, Senegal |
30 Jun | 35.9 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph Sadoc Alemany y Conill, O.P. † | Bishop of Monterey, California, USA | Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, California, USA |
51.8 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Novasconi † | Bishop of Cremona, Italy |
49.9 | Ordained Bishop | Angelo Francesco Ramazzotti † | Bishop of Pavia, Italy | Patriarch of Venezia {Venice}, Italy |