Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 May | 44.8 | Appointed | Francisco Barbado y Viejo, O.P. † | Bishop of Coria, Spain | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
49.0 | Appointed | Benjamín de Arriba y Castro † | Bishop of Mondoñedo, Spain | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Tarragona, Spain | |
51.6 | Ordained Bishop | William Richard Griffin † | Titular Bishop of Lydda | Auxiliary Bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA | |
57.1 | Appointed | Tomás Gutiérrez Díez † | Bishop of Osma, Spain | Bishop of Cádiz y Ceuta, Spain | |
61.3 | Appointed | Nicanor Mutiloa e Irurita, C.Ss.R. † | Bishop of Tarazona (-Tudela), Spain | ||
54.8 | Appointed | Bl. Diego Ventaja Milán † | Bishop of Almería, Spain | ||
56.4 | Ordained Bishop | Charles Vogel, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Parlais | Bishop of Shantou [Swatow], China | |
38.2 | Ordained Bishop | Karl Albert Wollgarten, C.M. † | Titular Bishop of Chusira | Vicar Apostolic of Limón, Costa Rica | |
2 May | 22.8 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Stamati † | Priest | Bishop of Lungro degli Italo-Albanesi (Italo-Albanese), Italy |
3 May | Born | Luc Julian Matthys † | Bishop Emeritus of Armidale, Australia | ||
5 May | 49.4 | Appointed | Michele Raffaele Camerlengo, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Nola, Italy | |
49.3 | Appointed | Edoardo Facchini † | Bishop of Alatri, Italy | ||
50.7 | Appointed | Lorenzo Giacomo Inglese, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Anglona-Tursi, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
Born | Jan Konzal † | Bishop | |||
66.3 | Ordained Bishop | José Luis Montenegro y Flores † | Bishop of Verapaz, Cobán, Guatemala | ||
46.6 | Appointed | Enrico Montalbetti, Obs. S.C. † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Trento, Italy | Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy | |
46.6 | Appointed | Enrico Montalbetti, Obs. S.C. † | Titular Archbishop of Dercos (Dercus) | Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy | |
45.4 | Ordained Bishop | Angelo Negri, F.S.C.J. † | Titular Bishop of Barica | Vicar Apostolic of Nilo Equatoriale, Uganda | |
43.6 | Ordained Bishop | León (Miguel) Angel Olano y Urteaga, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Lagina | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Guam, Pacific (Oceania) | |
52.0 | Appointed | Paolo Rostagno † | Bishop of Andria, Italy | Bishop of Ivrea, Italy | |
45.1 | Ordained Bishop | Tarcisius Henricus Josephus van Valenberg, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Comba | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Pontianak, Indonesia | |
9 May | Born | Arsène Richard † | Bishop of Bathurst in Canada, New Brunswick | ||
11 May | 75.5 | Died | José María Bottaro y Hers, O.F.M. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Buenos Aires, Argentina | |
Born | Stuart France O’Connell, S.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific (Oceania) | |||
36.4 | Appointed | Anunciado Serafini † | Auxiliary Bishop of La Plata, Argentina | Bishop of Mercedes, Argentina | |
36.4 | Appointed | Anunciado Serafini † | Titular Bishop of Arycanda | Bishop of Mercedes, Argentina | |
12 May | 38.7 | Installed | Juan Subercaseaux Errázuriz † | Bishop of Linares, Chile | Archbishop of La Serena, Chile |
13 May | 89.0 | Died | Joseph (Jean) Oster, C.S.Sp. † | Prefect Emeritus of Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon | |
15 May | 25.0 | Ordained Priest | Thomas Michel Bidawid † | Priest | Auxiliary Bishop of Baghdad (Chaldean), Iraq |
16 May | Born | Sebastiano Dho † | Bishop Emeritus of Alba (Pompea), Italy | ||
18 May | Born | Hélio Gonçalves Heleno † | Bishop Emeritus of Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil | ||
53.8 | Appointed | Thomas Henry McLaughlin † | Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA | Bishop of Paterson, New Jersey, USA | |
53.8 | Appointed | Thomas Henry McLaughlin † | Titular Bishop of Nisa in Lycia | Bishop of Paterson, New Jersey, USA | |
19 May | 44.5 | Ordained Bishop | Mario Civelli, P.I.M.E. † | Titular Bishop of Tabbora | Bishop of Jixian [Weihwei], China |
466.3 | Canonized | St. John Fisher † | Cardinal, Bishop of Rochester, England, Great Britain | ||
20 May | Born | Manuel Camilo Vial Risopatrón, P. Schönstatt | Bishop Emeritus of Temuco, Chile | ||
21 May | 37.7 | Appointed | Viktor Burić † | Bishop of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia | Archbishop Emeritus of Rijeka-Senj, Croatia |
62.6 | Died | Paul-Marie Le Bihain, S.M.M. † | Bishop of Port-de-Paix, Haïti | ||
22 May | 61.6 | Died | Bede Beckmeyer, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Kandy, Sri Lanka | |
Born | Bellino Giusto Ghirard † | Bishop Emeritus of Rodez (-Vabres), France | |||
24 May | 71.3 | Died | Patrick Joseph Clune, C.Ss.R. † | Archbishop of Perth, Australia | |
34.4 | Succeeded | Redmond Garrett Prendiville † | Archbishop of Perth, Australia | ||
25 May | Born | Augustine Cheong Myong-jo † | Bishop of Busan {Pusan}, Korea (South) | ||
81.9 | Died | Ange-Auguste Faisandier, S.J. † | Bishop Emeritus of Trichinopoly, India | ||
26 May | Born | Luis María Estrada Paetau, O.P. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Izabal, Guatemala | ||
28 May | Born | William Joseph Kurtz, S.V.D. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Madang, Papua New Guinea | ||
29 May | 56.5 | Appointed | Georges-Eugène-Emile Choquet † | Bishop of Langres, France | Bishop of Tarbes et Lourdes, France |
47.2 | Appointed | Elie-Antoine Durand † | Bishop of Montauban, France | ||
52.4 | Appointed | Amédée-Marie-Alexis Maisonobe † | Bishop of Belley, France | ||
52.3 | Appointed | Lucien-Louis-Claude Martin † | Bishop of Amiens, France | ||
30 May | 57.7 | Ordained Bishop | Léon Klerlein, C.S.Sp. † | Titular Bishop of Voncaria | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Bethlehem, South Africa |
Born | Gustavo Martínez Frías † | Archbishop of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia | |||
28.6 | Solemn Vows | Knut Ansgar Nelson, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop Emeritus of Stockholm, Sweden | |
Jun | 25.7 | Perpetual Vows | José Lecuona Labandibar, I.E.M.E. † | Member of Instituto Español de San Francisco Javier para Misiones Extranjeras | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of San Jorge, Colombia |
21.0 | Solemn Vows | Zenone Albino Testa, O.F.M. Cap. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Asmara, Ethiopia | |
1 Jun | 40.7 | Installed | Alfredo Silva Santiago † | Bishop of Temuco, Chile | Archbishop Emeritus of Concepción (Santissima Concezione), Chile |
39.7 | Appointed | Paulo de Tarso Campos † | Bishop of Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil | Archbishop Emeritus of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil | |
2 Jun | 65.6 | Ordained Bishop | James Dey † | Titular Bishop of Sebastopolis in Armenia | Vicar Apostolic of Great Britain, Military |
27.4 | Ordained Priest | Thomas Joseph Drury † | Priest of Amarillo, Texas, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas, USA | |
45.9 | Installed | Mario Toccabelli † | Archbishop of Siena, Italy | ||
6 Jun | 56.2 | Ordained Bishop | Basile Octave Tanghe, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Tigava | Vicar Apostolic of Ubanghi Belga {Belgian Ubanghi}, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
7 Jun | Born | Andreas Suwiyata Henrisoesanta, S.C.I. † | Bishop Emeritus of Tanjungkarang, Indonesia | ||
8 Jun | 44.7 | Appointed | Rodolfo das Mercés de Oliveira Pena † | Bishop of Barra (do Rio Grande), Bahia, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus of Valença, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
9 Jun | 23.4 | Perpetual Vows | Jesús Langarica Olagüe, O.F.M. Cap. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Prefect Emeritus of Aguarico, Ecuador |
46.7 | Ordained Bishop | Enrico Montalbetti, Obs. S.C. † | Titular Archbishop of Dercos (Dercus) | Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy | |
58.1 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph Laurent Philippe, S.C.I. † | Titular Bishop of Tinum | Bishop of Luxembourg | |
10 Jun | 44.5 | Selected | Albert Stohr † | Bishop of Mainz, Germany | |
11 Jun | 60.4 | Died | Ignace-Marie Le Ruzic † | Bishop Emeritus of Les Cayes, Haïti | |
50.7 | Appointed | Antonio Mantiero † | Prelate of Santa Lucia del Mela, Italy | Bishop of Treviso, Italy | |
12 Jun | Born | Blasius Pujoraharja | Bishop Emeritus of Ketapang, Indonesia | ||
13 Jun | 55.4 | Appointed | Paolo Giobbe † | Apostolic Internuncio to Netherlands | Cardinal, Datary Emeritus of the Apostolic Datary |
42.1 | Appointed | Felipe Santiago Hermosa y Sarmiento † | Bishop of Cuzco, Peru | Archbishop Emeritus of Cuzco, Peru | |
26.3 | Ordained Priest | Aloysius Louis Scheerer, O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers | Bishop of Multan, Pakistan | |
14 Jun | Born | Jorge Tobias de Freitas | Bishop Emeritus of Nazaré, Pernambuco, Brazil | ||
Born | Benito Gennaro Franceschetti † | Archbishop of Fermo, Italy | |||
15 Jun | 27.5 | Ordained Priest | José de Jesús Arango Velázquez, O.F.M. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor | Prefect Emeritus of Guapi, Colombia |
54.7 | Appointed | Domenico Argnani † | Bishop of Macerata e Tolentino, Italy | ||
24.8 | Ordained Priest | Gordon Joseph Gray † | Priest of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus | |
25.1 | Ordained Priest | Antoon Konings, S.M.A. † | Priest of Society of African Missions | Bishop Emeritus of Keta-Ho, Ghana | |
24.4 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Charles Leclaire † | Priest of Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada | ||
23.7 | Ordained Priest | Edward Jan Muszyński † | Priest of Kielce, Poland | Auxiliary Bishop | |
23.6 | Ordained Priest | Miguel Peinado Peinado † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Jaén, Spain | |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Maurice-Mathieu-Louis Rigaud † | Priest | Archbishop of Auch (-Condom-Lectoure-Lombez), France | |
24.1 | Ordained Priest | Guy-Marie-Joseph Riobé † | Priest | Bishop of Orléans, France | |
29.2 | Ordained Priest | Michel-Louis Vial † | Priest of Lyon (-Vienne), France | Bishop Emeritus of Nantes, France | |
16 Jun | 49.5 | Ordained Bishop | Michele Raffaele Camerlengo, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Nola, Italy | |
49.1 | Ordained Bishop | Benjamín de Arriba y Castro † | Bishop of Mondoñedo, Spain | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Tarragona, Spain | |
27.5 | Professed | Nykanor Mykola Deyneha (Dejneha), M.S.U. † | Member of Ukrainian Studite Monks (Ukrainian) | Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine | |
28.6 | Ordained Priest | Charles Alexander Grant † | Priest of Northampton, England, Great Britain | Bishop Emeritus | |
26.5 | Ordained Priest | Vincent Martin Leonard † | Priest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | Bishop Emeritus | |
17 Jun | Born | Agostino Giuseppe Delfino, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop Emeritus of Berbérati, Central African Republic | ||
18 Jun | 39.4 | Appointed | Philippe Côté, S.J. † | Vicar Apostolic of Süchow [Xuzhou], China | Bishop of Xuzhou [Süchow], China |
39.4 | Appointed | Philippe Côté, S.J. † | Titular Bishop of Polystylus | Bishop of Xuzhou [Süchow], China | |
43.4 | Appointed | Leoncio Fernández Galilea, C.M.F. † | Vicar Apostolic of Fernando Poo, Equatorial Guinea | ||
43.4 | Appointed | Leoncio Fernández Galilea, C.M.F. † | Titular Bishop of Ariassus | Vicar Apostolic of Fernando Poo, Equatorial Guinea | |
43.4 | Appointed | Francis Xavier Ford, M.M. † | Titular Bishop of Etenna | Bishop of Meixian [Kaying], China | |
43.4 | Appointed | Francis Xavier Ford, M.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Kaying [Meixian], China | Bishop of Meixian [Kaying], China | |
51.9 | Appointed | Georges Joseph Haezaert, C.S.Sp. † | Titular Bishop of Pertusa | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Kongolo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
51.9 | Appointed | Georges Joseph Haezaert, C.S.Sp. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Katanga {Katanga Settentrionale}, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Kongolo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
40.2 | Resigned | George Marin, S.J. † | Prefect of Süchow, China | Prefect Emeritus | |
47.5 | Appointed | Otto Raible, S.A.C. † | Vicar Apostolic of Kimberley in Western Australia | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus | |
47.5 | Appointed | Otto Raible, S.A.C. † | Titular Bishop of Anemurium | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Kimberley in Western Australia | |
19 Jun | 55.4 | Ceased | Rafael Balanzá y Navarro † | Apostolic Administrator of Mondoñedo, Spain | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
55.9 | Appointed | Roger-Henri-Marie Beaussart † | Auxiliary Bishop of Paris, France | ||
55.9 | Appointed | Roger-Henri-Marie Beaussart † | Titular Bishop of Elatea | Auxiliary Bishop of Paris, France | |
20 Jun | 60.9 | Died | Gorgon Gregory Brandsma, M.H.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Kisumu, Kenya | |
21 Jun | 52.3 | Appointed | Antonio Cardona Riera † | Apostolic Administrator of Ibiza, Spain | Bishop Emeritus |
47.0 | Appointed | Santos Moro Briz † | Bishop of Ávila, Spain | Bishop Emeritus | |
54.1 | Appointed | Bl. Anselmo Polanco y Fontecha, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Teruel (-Albarracín), Spain | ||
22 Jun | 66.8 | Appointed | João Francisco Braga † | Titular Archbishop of Soteropolis | Archbishop Emeritus of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil |
66.8 | Resigned | João Francisco Braga † | Archbishop of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil | Archbishop Emeritus | |
62.4 | Appointed | Patrick Casey † | Bishop of Ross, Ireland | ||
59.5 | Died | Giovanni Pranzini † | Bishop of Carpi, Italy | ||
Born | Władysław Ziółek | Archbishop Emeritus of Łódź, Poland | |||
23 Jun | Born | Luis Morgan (Aloysius) Casey † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Pando, Bolivia | ||
72.7 | Retired | Augustin Henninghaus, S.V.D. † | Vicar Apostolic of Yenchowfu, China | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Southern Shantung {Scian-Ton Meridionale}, China | |
Born | John Mortimer Fourette Smith † | Bishop Emeritus of Trenton, New Jersey, USA | |||
23.1 | Ordained Priest | László Tóth † | Priest | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Veszprém, Hungary | |
24 Jun | 28.0 | Ordained Priest | Alfredo José Isaac Cecilio Francesco Méndez-Gonzalez, C.S.C. † | Priest of Congregation of Holy Cross | Bishop Emeritus of Arecibo, Puerto Rico |
64.7 | Died | Henry John Paul Joseph Nussbaum, C.P. † | Bishop of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USA | ||
28.2 | Ordained Priest | Robert Marie-Joseph François de Provenchères † | Priest of Paris, France | Bishop Emeritus of Créteil, France | |
26 Jun | 53.1 | Appointed | Peter Joseph Monahan † | Archbishop of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada | |
Born | Wilhelm Schraml † | Bishop Emeritus of Passau, Germany | |||
27 Jun | 61.6 | Died | Stefano Aurelio Bacciarini, S.d.C. † | Apostolic Administrator of Lugano, Switzerland | |
25.5 | Ordained Priest | Gebhard (Ferdinand) Koberger, C.R.S.A. † | Priest of Confederation of Canons Regular of St. Augustine | Abbot Primate Emeritus | |
25.7 | Ordained Priest | Thomas Nantha † | Priest of Vientiane, Laos | Vicar Apostolic | |
29 Jun | 65.9 | Died | Epaminondas Nunes de Ávila e Silva † | Bishop of Taubaté, Sao Paulo, Brazil | |
45.0 | Ordained Bishop | Francisco Barbado y Viejo, O.P. † | Bishop of Coria, Spain | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain | |
27.1 | Ordained Priest | Gabriel Champagne, M. Afr. † | Priest of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) | Bishop Emeritus of Tamale, Ghana | |
25.1 | Ordained Priest | Carlo Ferrari † | Priest of Tortona, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Mantova, Italy | |
58.5 | Ordained Bishop | Dominique Maria Hồ Ngọc Cẩn † | Titular Bishop of Zenobias | Vicar Apostolic of Bùi Chu, Viet Nam | |
24.6 | Ordained Priest | James C. Holmes-Siedle, M. Afr. † | Priest of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) | Bishop Emeritus of Kigoma, Tanzania | |
25.1 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Marie-Gaëtan Ogez, M. Afr. † | Priest of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) | Bishop Emeritus of Mbarara, Uganda | |
55.0 | Ordained Bishop | Bl. Diego Ventaja Milán † | Bishop of Almería, Spain | ||
30 Jun | 49.4 | Ordained Bishop | Edoardo Facchini † | Bishop of Alatri, Italy | |
25.3 | Ordained Priest | Pawel Latusek † | Priest | Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland |
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